
The project developed the travel app PathFinder, streamlining trip planning stress through AI. Insights from interviews refined the app for an enhanced travel experience.

Mobile App Design
App Design

Project Details

Design research and exploration

The objective of this project was to develop an app concept aimed at addressing a specific problem. For me, that challenge centered around travel. Traveling has consistently induced stress, from meticulously planning each destination to navigating directions, costs, accommodations, dining options, and more. The vast array of online information often left me overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. Drawing from my own travel experiences, I endeavored to create an app that simplifies trip planning for others, offering a more streamlined approach to organizing and enjoying their journeys. I created an app concept that would help others by listening to my audience, conducting interviews, and asking a series of questions about how they planned their travels.

The goal of my app: The travel experience for both first-time and frequent passengers may be greatly improved by an AI-powered travel software like PathFinder. It creates itineraries automatically based on desired sites, suggests popular and lesser-known attractions, and offers price and location specific information according to preset routes. The app's objective is to make trip preparation less stressful and time-consuming for users, resulting in a more pleasurable and stress-free experience.

Through the interviews I conducted, I asked them how they felt:

  • While planning an itinerary
  • At the destination
  • With unexpected changes to itinerary

Sketches or wireframes

Initially, following a series of interviews, I contemplated storyboarding. I pondered the narrative I wished to convey and the message I aimed to impart or resonate with the audience. Consequently, I devised three distinct storyboards, each featuring different characters: a cyclist without a driver’s License, an artist, and a confused traveler.

After soliciting feedback to gauge the relatability of the storyboards, it was determined that the "Artist" storyboard resonated most with individuals and offered the most casual approach to using the app.

Final Storyboard about an artist trying to find a pencil
The beginning of the app making process
FInal look of the app

Project Results

Creating a stress-free mobile app for easy itinerary planning, featuring effortless editing, nearby restaurants, event exploration, location specialties, and transportation details.